Cutting Condition Formula For Drilling 

Cutting condition formula for Drilling

Cutting condition formula for Drilling

1. Cutting Speed(Vc)
Vc(m/min): cutting speed
π (3.14):Pi
Dc(mm): drill diameter
n(min-1) : Rotational Speed of the Main Spindle


2. Feed of the main spindle (Vf)

Vf(mm/min): feed of the main spindle
fz(mm/t): feed per revolution
Z:Number of flutes
n(min-1) : Rotational Speed of the Main Spindle


3. Cutting Time (T)
T=60ⅹL/fⅹn= 60ⅹπⅹDcⅹL / 1000ⅹVcⅹf
T(sec): Cutting time
L(mm): Hole Depth
f(mm/rev): feed per revolution
n(min-1) : Rotational Speed of the Main Spindle
Dc(mm) : drill diameter
Vc(m/min): Cutting speed


4. Chip removal volume(Q)

Q (cm3/min) =πⅹDc2/4 ⅹn ⅹf ÷1000

Q (cm3/ min):Chip removal Volume
π (3.14):Pi
Dc(mm): drill diameter
f(mm/rev): feed per revolution